KEMBA will be closed on Monday, 02/17/2025 to observe Presidents Day.

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Real People Making Loan Decisions

Real People Making Loan Decisions


Are You Dealing with a Computer or a Real Person?

Many people do not realize that they could be turned down for a loan by a computer program. So, that dream car you want or that emergency personal loan you really need could be denied based on something called “auto decision.”

Here’s why you should talk to KEMBA. We never use a computer program to determine if you qualify for a loan. Real people – yes, more than one! – look at your loan application information. We look at your credit score to determine the rate. We look at other factors like employment and your payment history.  Of course we do.

Then we do more… We ask questions. We listen to your story.

Not all loans are approved. But even if we have to say “not today,” we can give you tools and steps to help get you to “yes!”

We use computers too. But we would never let them make a loan decision.

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